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"My Eyes have seen the Miracles of Jesus Christ" oil painting
"My Eyes have seen the Miracles of Jesus Christ" oil painting now available by artist Joe Buchan. The annointing I had on me while painting this piece is what carried me through. This is one of my most spiritual paintings created. The original piece is 48x36. The pastor here was annointed to lay hands on the lame and they recovered just like the word of God read. When the Lord's power lives on the inside He can do His ministry through your life and hands. Believers need to exercise the power that God has given us. Prints are available to own for $220 each in MI. Out of state there are $240 including shipping. The size is 36in x 48 inches (3feetby4ft). The original is $1,100 and is still available. My number is (313) 587-4183 and I can be reached anytime call/text. My email address is joebuchan1@gmail.com